Most Auto Injuries Are Covered Under Your Auto Insurance Policy
Many people today are not aware of the coverage their auto insurance provides. State law requires all auto accident injuries to be submitted though auto insurance policies, and are not covered by regular medical insurance. Instead, they are covered under Medical Payments, or MedPay, through your auto insurance, and unless you signed a specific waiver with the auto insurance company requesting to deny this coverage, you are covered. That coverage takes care of any medical treatments you seek after and because of your auto accident. If that money runs out, the at-fault driver’s insurance company will be billed to cover the rest. Using your MedPay will not affect YOUR insurance rates. You have already paid for this coverage, use it to take care of your injuries.
We Take Care of Submitting Claims to Your Insurance Company
At Johnston Chiropractic, we strive to not only make sure you get the care you need to help you recover, but also help you through the many questions and submissions with the insurance company. We understand the process can be daunting and often confusing. We submit your claims to your insurance company and do not require up-front payments for treatments covered by MedPay. We work on a lien basis, which means we continue to treat you, even if your MedPay runs out, and will bill the at-fault insurance, still allowing you to receive the care you need, and pay in full after you’ve received your settlement. We know this process can take some time, but we feel it’s important to provide you the care needed for recuperation after an auto accident.
If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, we can help. Give us a call today at (303) 772-5042 to request an appointment today!